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Colliers Reserve CC


Player City, State Entry Status
Bennington, Craig Estero, FL Entered
Bornhauser, Jim Venice, FL Entered
Brooks, Larry Miami, FL Entered
Campion, Dale Naples, FL Entered
Cautin, Michael Fort Myers, FL Entered
Cavaseno, Michael Naples, FL Withdrawn
Chalfont, Frank Winter Park, FL Entered
Cohoon, Al Marco Island, FL Entered
Connors, Rosemarie Naples, FL Entered
Connors, William Naples, FL Entered
Copeland, Archie Fort Myers, FL Entered
Corlett, Jeffrey Bristol, IN Entered
Cornett, Bill Naples, FL Entered
Cornett, Nadine Naples, FL Entered
Diego, Elizabeth Miami, FL Entered
Edwards, John Miromar Lakes, FL Entered
Gravel, Donna Naples, FL Entered
Haines, Donna Doral, FL Entered
Hoffman, William Fort Myers, FL Entered
Hovis, Darin Naples, FL Entered
Howard, John Coral Gables, FL Entered
Jakubaitis, Steven Bradenton, FL Entered
Jones, Kevin Naples, FL Entered
Jung, Thomas Fort Myers, FL Entered
Lonergan, Pat Fort Myers, FL Entered
Malatesta, Jack Ave Maria, FL Entered
Martin, Jill Naples, FL Entered
McCormack, Mary Fort Myers, FL Entered
Menzies, John North Fort Myers , FL Entered
Miller, Jason Fort Myers, FL Withdrawn
Murray, Dale North Fort Myers, FL Entered
Neuman, Bobby Weston, FL Entered
Palomo, Lee Ann Miami, FL Entered
Parkhurst, Wes Ave Maria, FL Entered
porraro, mark naples, FL Entered
Robbins, Lynn Fort Myers, FL Entered
Schultz, Austin Fort Myers, FL Entered
Sharma, Brij Naples, FL Entered
Smith, Michael Fort Myers, FL Entered
Smith, Ray Naples, FL Entered
Smith, Robert Naples, FL Entered
Spingler, Jeffrey Alva, FL Entered
Taylor, Neil Sunrise, FL Entered
Titley, Jo-Ann Coral Gables, FL Entered
Woodward, Tim Basye, VA Entered

Key to Entry Status


Entry received, awaiting processing


Entry Accepted


Player has qualified for the event



Withdrawal Pending:

Awaiting processing


Player who is exempt and filed an entry


Player who has withdrawn prior to start of the event